My Bichons Have the Relationship I Want

Weezie and George are aged 2 and 6 respectively. I adopted them both as puppies.  Weezie came when my workload increased, and I thought George needed a little sister to keep him company.  I should have named them Janet and Michael, if I wanted them to behave like siblings. As soon as Weezie reached maturity, George claimed her as his wife.  Seriously.  Weezie usually seems too pre-occupied to care (perhaps she knows she can't get pregnant), but I, annoyed that she's getting all the action, yell and threaten to little avail.  George usually ceases his repulsive (read: innate) behavior, but I know that as soon as I leave home, it's party time!!

And yes, I'm jealous.  But it's not all about the physical manifestion of their marital relations, George and Weezie share a genuine canine love.  They are respectful, tender, and nuturing.  I've witnessed the establishment of rules and expectations which allow them to co-habitate with little discord.  Weezie rules the roost, George rules the street. Plain and simple.  

Weezie is my idol.  The bitch has the perfect start to every day.  George wakes first and makes certain that she is awakened slowly, sweetly and warmly.  EVERY MORNING, he nuzzles her and proceeds to lick every inch of her body.  She stretches to meet his kisses. And when it gets really good, she starts to lick my silk duvet.  That's when I kick them off the bed.

When we take our morning walk, George becomes the protector.  He stands between Weezie and any perceived threat.  Oncoming dogs must first meet his approval.  Unknown pedestrians are always given the once over.  And when Weezie pees, he pees over her spot, so that no dog will know her scent (OK, so maybe he's a bit possessive).  But when we meet a friend (canine or human), George usually steps back allowing Weezie to play and receive all of the attention. 

Back in the house, Weezie always lets George eat first.  She silently sits to the side, until he's full, and then she helps herself.  And while that may seem old-fashioned to some, she's smart enough to reap the rewards.  For when it's playtime, she chooses the toy and the duration. And when it's sleep time, she chooses the place and position. And if she doesn't fall fast asleep,  George gives her love until she does.  

Who isn't praying for that?


  1. sweet! they sound like a lovely pair.

  2. Dear Stacey,
    I am loving the Blog...I have not yet figured why all men can't be like "George". If they expect us to be "good wives" shouldn't they be good husbands?
    Or better yet, don't ask for a wife and expect to not be a husband in return.


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