I'm so annoyed with this season's bachelor, Jason Mesnick, that I'm afraid if we met I'd spew bitterness all over him.
Not because he broke Jillian's heart, and Molly's heart, and then Melissa's heart, and perhaps even Deanna's before finally returning to Molly with whom he believes he's found true love. Having your heart broken is a rite of passage. Signing up to do so on TV, well that's on them!
I'm annoyed because Jason Mesnick highlights what's wrong with trying to find a husband these days--there are far TOO MANY OPTIONS, and it's turning even the nicest guys into jerks!
Yes, women have some options too. But the majority of single women I know, aren't single by choice. It's a numbers games. And the numbers, for Black women especially, aren't in our favor.
EVERY single man I know has exercised more than his fair share of options, finding the most imperceptible faults to disqualify women as potential mates. My father says that it comes down to something very basic. "Men need to feel needed!" Amazingly, Jason echoed this sentiment in his V.O. just before he proposed to Melissa--"I feel like she really needs me!"
My father went on to say that if I had wanted to marry, I should have returned to my mother's house upon my college graduation. He said that having my own home at such a young age had denied prospective suitors the opportunity to "rescue" me.
Really, Dad? From whom do I need to be rescued right now? Aren't you the one who raised me to be independent? Now I'm supposed to feign neediness?
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Really, Dad? From whom do I need to be rescued right now? Aren't you the one who raised me to be independent? Now I'm supposed to feign neediness?
What say you? Share your story.
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